Monthly Meeting - 'Together We Are Beating Cancer'

Monthly Meeting - 'Together We Are Beating Cancer'

Tuesday 12 November

Anne rang the school bell and gave a warm welcome to all. She quickly went over the business. Helen gave a short treasurers report - Ruskie are pleased to give this months raffle money to Cancer Research U.K. Congratulations were extended to the Ruskie members who competed in the Community Work at the Federation Business Meeting and were placed 1st Donations were accepted for Start Up Stirling, they will be delivered later this week. The members were very generous, the charity provide a lifeline to many who would otherwise go hungry, cold or fall into debt.

Liz took names for 'The Snow Queen' at Fintry and members were reminded about the Christmas Night out at the Lion and Unicorn

The meeting was then handed over to David Naismith, Relationship Manager with Cancer Research UK. His role is to support individuals, community groups and companies who fundraise for the charity. It was a most interesting presentation going into the work of Cancer Research U.K. Davids talk went over the types of cancer and the help and support on hand. Money is an ongoing issue and fundraising is a key aspect of the charity. The charity is indebted to its volunteers who give up their time. If you would like to know more about volunteering please get in contact. Competitions: Hand knitted or crocheted neck warmer Winner of the Puskie Plate: Sharon McRobert 2nd Anne Artis 3rd Claire Watt Best Fundraising ideas to share: 1st Sharon McRobert 2nd Janice Oman 3rd Allison Mcleod

Thank you to Seona, Sharon & Janice for an absolutely delicious supper

......................a very enjoyable and informative night in Ruskie Hall

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