Carse of Stirling Group Meeting

Carse of Stirling Group Meeting

Monday 15 April 2019

There are four institutes in the group. Cambusbarron, Dunblane, Gargunnock and Ruskie. The meetings are held once a year and this time it was Dunblanes turn to host at Dunblane Bowling Club. After a small amount of business Anne Artis introduced the musical entertainment for the evening - 'Rusty Rims' The trio all travelled a good distance to be with us.....Nancy Law, Darvel, Ronnie Thompson, Kilmarnock and Robert Mabon, Coatbridge. The trio sang a varied and well known selection of Scottish songs - song books had us all joining in. Ronnie was a great joke teller and they all started with 'Once Upon A Time' - he said it was to catch our attention! We were pleased to welcome ladies from other institutes, a very good turnout. A fine cheery evening and Ronnie said our singing was very good! Thanks to Elizabeth Dykes for the photo and many thanks to Dunblane for a delicious supper.

Bird ornament: 1st Janette Wilson (Gargunnock) 2nd Kathleen Sinclair ( Gargunnock) 3rd Fiona Campbell (Dunblane).
Decorated Flower Pot: 1st Fiona Campbell (Dunblane) 2nd Mary Findlay (Cambusbarron) 3rd Jennifer Mackay (Cambusbarron)

S.C.&W.P. Federation Spring Meeting

S.C.&W.P. Federation Spring Meeting

RHET Fundraiser at Briarlands

RHET Fundraiser at Briarlands