Monthly Meeting – “Fall in Love with Taking Care our Yourself”
Tuesday 11 October
Anne Artis quickly kicked off the meeting as we had so much to cover in the evening. There were a number of apologies as our members are still globetrotting on post-covid travels or recuperating from illness. She headlined the events which are coming up soon – our Christmas Craft Day making crackers on Saturday 3 December, Thursday 1 December is the Fintry Amateur Dramatic Society Pantomime, Federation Christmas Cake decorating class in the Smith Art Gallery on Thursday 27 October, then on Friday 11 November in Bridge of Allan Parish Hall is Try-a-Craft day. To attend any of these events please give names to Liz Black.
Anne then welcomed Sue Mitchell who introduced us to the Emmett Technique – as the Practice Nurse practitioner in Balfron she is also open to alternative and complementary therapy which is a growing need in the world. The Emmett technique is a progression from massage – either spa or sports! – but using these can ultimately affect the practitioner. The Bowen Technique is a fore-runner to this as it identified how to make muscles relax, but Emmett is a newer version involving less pressure. The founder came to Scotland to train people in light touch practices which have a profound effect on the body ad release tension by only using light pressure from only two fingers! The technique does not cure but takes the pain levels down and gives more mobility in joints. It is particularly good for frozen shoulders, hip or knee replacements or sciatica. It works on the autonomic nervous system when light touch sends messages to the brain to relax. The process works instantly and the results last 5-7 days. Visits are not usually too often but with two sessions close together then the brain can be reprogrammed! Sue works alongside regular medicine. For some women it is particularly good for menopause among other issues. Sue then demonstrated how the technique can be used to improve foot balance, carpal tunnel or painful hips. Sue has used the technique on dogs and horses … but Ruskie members are particularly interested in keeping their tups in good condition 😊
We observed that after participating in the demonstrations, volunteers look younger as they are released from chronic pain (it’s like natural botox!) A typical session lasts 45 minutes but often patients start with less. Often issues are not ‘structural’ but more muscular and tendons and can be successfully treated with the Emmett Technique and Sue demonstrated to us how effective this can be at reducing pain and freeing up movement. Complementary therapies certainly have a lot to offer, and there can be layers of pain and emotion to peel back. This session has been a brief introduction to Emmett and members who are curious to find out more can get in touch with Sue directly.
Anne thanked Sue for opening the door to the new idea of this Technique and then everyone enjoyed a fabulous Ruskie Tea.
Homemade Healthy snack (85th Birthday Cup) – 1) Allison MacLeod, 2) Anne Artis, 3) Liz Black
Favourite Health Tip – 1) Liz Black, 2) Anne Artis, 3) Allison MacLeod