Christmas Craft Day
Saturday 23 November – Christmas Craft Day
By the time we rejigged Ruskie Hall with extra tables courtesy of Catriona Burnett, utensils and ingredients for our activity and 14 members and friends we were at maximum capacity for our natural skincare products workshop led by Bronwyn Tutty of Bodylushious. We spent a fun and informative day learning how to make individual shampoo bars (which can be used from top to bottom!) and body bars (which are not shampoo because of the different ingredients) and molding them into snowflakes, Christmas trees… and dinosaurs! The group then picked an essential oil to be added, along with vitamin E, to a nourishing hand balm. Next time you see us we will all be beautifully scented, and well moisturized!
Of course, it would not be a Ruskie session without a bite to eat – this time soup, crusty bread and cakes – which was quickly polished off before a final healing, session of Nia (movement integrating forms of dance, martial arts and mindfulness) with Bronwyn before we headed off, uplifted, hardly even noticing the rain!