The Auchtermuchty Food Museum

The Auchtermuchty Food Museum

Tuesday 21 July saw us on a wee jaunt to Fife to visit Chris Duffy and his lovely wife Jane at the home of the Auchtermuchty Food Museum. Chris’ invitation to visit following his talk at Ruskie was too good an offer to refuse and 15 of us were delighted to accept. As usual we started with tea and cake (or Sunrise Muffins and Sweet Potato frittata to be specific ... recipe to follow!) … then an opportunity to explore the five zones of the museum – British Food Writers & Food; Famous Food; Chefs, Menus & Restaurants; Rare & Weird; and Photographs of People Eating.

It was tough to photograph the trip as everyone had their head down engrossed in the exhibits! So much to see and enjoy! Despite Anne Artis trying to entice us with Eskimo Ice Cream from Alaska recipes (grated reindeer tallow, anyone?!) we managed to tear everyone away to Balbirnie House for much needed afternoon tea – we were starving after reading recipe books all morning!

By mid afternoon the sun was splitting the sky and we had time for a quick walk around the gardens before heading home on the bus. A lovely day and perhaps the first of many trips to Auchtermuchty as there is so much to see – Chris is growing his collection, and the statute to Sir Jimmy Shand cannot be missed!

Wild Fox Glencoe Marathon

Wild Fox Glencoe Marathon

Artemis Great Kindrochit Quadrathlon

Artemis Great Kindrochit Quadrathlon