Herbal Homestead
7:00 AM07:00

Herbal Homestead

On Saturday 28 September you are invited to join us along with Lauren Lochrie of Herbal Homestead at the beautiful Cardross Estate Pinetum, Port of Menteith, FK8 3JY for a three hour, foraging 'walk & make'. Foraging can seem attractive yet daunting, Lauren has developed wonderful, seasonal courses to help you practice a range of hands-on activities, to enhance your understanding of what wild things are good to harvest when, and how to prepare and store them in different ways over the year. Learn how to do this mindfully, sustainably, and safely!

What to expect:
- Plant & fungi identification and habitat cues
- Exploring their traditional and modern uses
- Trying pre-prepared foraged nibbles and remedies
- Some group work exploring ecological value and function- Harvesting and working with wild plants to prepare a foraged tea and hand cream (or muscle rub) and exploring observational drawing
- Follow up recipes and resources

The event will run from 11am – 2pm and is suitable for both beginners and experts.. This has been sponsored by Pamela so the event costs are covered however as a fundraising day we are asking participants to contribute to Ruskie funds – suggested donation £20. Names to me (Liz Black)

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Monthly Meeting - 'Double, Double Toil And Trouble; Fire Burn, And Cauldron Bubble'
7:30 PM19:30

Monthly Meeting - 'Double, Double Toil And Trouble; Fire Burn, And Cauldron Bubble'

Mark the occasion of our 98th birthday with Paul Bradford, celebrated master baker, as he teaches us new skills and decorates a seasonal cake (to be raffled on the night!)

Pumpkin Competitions: Heaviest (grown from seed); Best Carved Lantern; Tastiest Flask Of Soup (85th Birthday Cup)

Hostesses: Liz Black, Noreen Hinton, Helen Little

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SC&WP Federation  Annual Business Meeting
1:00 PM13:00

SC&WP Federation Annual Business Meeting

Competition entries to be in place by 12pm

McLay Trophy - Autumn collage picture incorporating forages leaves, foliage etc, maximum size A4 (no bought flowers or foliage to be used)

Cath McBryne Trophy - Peg doll

West Lothian Trophy - 3 pieces of millionaires shortbread

Community Work - An Autumn Walk - minimum of 4 members to take part, no accessories allowed, each institute to supply cover for their display area


1- Knitted neck warmer, any ply

2- Door wreath in foliage/berries/flowers collected on autumn walk, any size (no bought flowers/foliage allowed)

3- Own Choice


1- Home made fruit gin (any fruit)

2- flask of sweet potato and coconut soup

3- Huffsie loaf (recipe supplied, ask for details)

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Monthly Meeting - 'You cannot make people learn. You can only provide the right conditions for learning to happen'
7:30 PM19:30

Monthly Meeting - 'You cannot make people learn. You can only provide the right conditions for learning to happen'

Gillian Forster of Green Routes is coming to explain how they offer young people with support needs an opportunity to learn and grow, to develop skills for life, learning and work

Competitions: Spring Flowers In A Jug (Mrs Beaton Rose Bowl); Traditional Garden Item

Hostesses: Alison Smellie, Gillian Ross, Claire Watt

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Monthly Meeting - 'There is incredible value in being of service to others
7:30 PM19:30

Monthly Meeting - 'There is incredible value in being of service to others

Col. Charles Wallace tells us the story of the King’s Body Guard for Scotland

Competitions: Toast to the King (Original Writing); Piece of Royal Memorabilia

Hostesses: Catriona Burnett, Linda Gibson, Christine Hamilton


The Ruskie Competition Cup (for most points in 2023-24) will also be awarded tonight

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Afternoon Tea
2:00 PM14:00

Afternoon Tea

Join us at The Courtyard Cafe, Knockraich Farm for a summer afternoon tea

  • Cost (including tip) £22pp

Would you like to join us?  Please let Liz Black know (including any dietary requirements) and we will add you to the list!

 This as always is open to all - members/non members/friends

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Royal Highland Show
to Jun 23

Royal Highland Show

Showcasing the best of food, farming and Rural life! Tickets from the website, volunteers needed!

Proposed schedule for 2024 Theme: The Four Seasons - download here

Section A - Medley of Crafts, Theme The Four Seasons

Section B - Trios made by one person, theme Easter

Section C - Novices/Juniors

Section D - Crochet, Theme: The Seasons

Section E - Knitting, Theme Autumn Walks

Section F - Handspinning, weaving & dying, Theme Shear Bliss

Section G - Lace & Tatting, Theme Hedgerows

Section H - Embroidery, Theme How does your garden grow?

Section I: Patchwork, applique & Quilting, Theme Winter Wonderland

Section J: Children

Section K Crooks and Walking Sticks (to be confirmed)

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Women In Scotland - SWI National Conference & Exhibition 2023
to Sep 16

Women In Scotland - SWI National Conference & Exhibition 2023

Tickets are selling fast. Delegate passes start at just £35 for members, £65 for non-members. This includes lunch and refreshments for all delegates. You'll find full details of the speakers and what they will be discussing on the new National Conference hub here.

Coinnieach MacLeod - if he's not appearing with Phil and Holly on This Morning or jetting around the world promoting his fabulous cookery books, the Hebridean Baker is dreaming up Scottish recipes at his home on the Isle of Lewis for his 12 million TikTok followers! 

Jen Hogg - When life as a solicitor lost its appeal, Jen turned to sewing, reaching The Great British Sewing Bee semi finals in 2019. Since then, she has turned her talents to inventing bespoke tools and accessories from wood, leather and cashmere surplus. She is passionate about sustainable products made locally in Scotland.

Helen Vass - Helen Vass has been called a Pastry Magician. We all know her as the winner of Bake Off Creme de la Creme, the professionals' version of the BBC's Great British Bake Off, but she also has a string of amazing titles to her name. She fought off stiff competition to win the Les Dames d'Escoffier award and CIS Callebaut Patisserie Chef of the Year and is currently a lecturer at South Lanarkshire College. 

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Kindrochit Quadrathlon
9:00 AM09:00

Kindrochit Quadrathlon

Another fantastic Wild Fox event, and opportunity for a fun Ruskie Rural day out, fund raising, stewarding and cheering on the athletes!

The Great Kindrochit Quadrathlon (The Quad) is an exhilarating test of stamina, strength and fitness through some of the most spectacular and historic areas of the Scottish Highlands.

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Royal Highland Show
to Jun 25

Royal Highland Show

The annual showcase of food, farming and rural life - back after the pandemic, bigger and better than ever, now including ‘Flock to the Show’ - the World Sheep Shearing Competition!

The SWI are also responsible for managing the Handcrafts Pavillion - volunteers for stewarding will be welcome, apply through the SWI website or EventBrite.

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SWI Members' Annual General Meeting 2023
10:00 AM10:00

SWI Members' Annual General Meeting 2023

Online Meeting

You are warmly invited to register to attend the Scottish Women's Institutes AGM on Saturday 13th May, from 10.30am-noon.

This year's AGM will continue with the new format which so many enjoyed last year:

  • Welcome

  • AGM Formal Business

  • Triennium 2023 - Board and Committee

  • Annual Review

  • Member Discussion Panel

What is an AGM?

The AGM is the meeting of the membership that is presided over by the SWI President. The Office Bearers, Board, Committee Convenors and the CEO will be in attendance to provide organisational reports and updates. SWI members have the right to attend, speak, and if relevant, vote on any AGM business.

Why attend?

Attending the AGM gives members a fair way to hold the board accountable, show their support, and ask pertinent questions. As part of your SWI strategy, the AGM lays the foundation for the future development of your membership body, which is vitally important.

Is the AGM for me?

Attending the AGM will provide you with insight into the SWI performance and direction of the organisation. Audited financial statements will be presented and you will have an opportunity to ask questions.

How can I join in?

The AGM will be online, to ensure we reach and include as many SWI members as possible

Online: You can click this link on the day: http://bitly.ws/zn2m

By phone: Call 0131 460 1196. You will be asked for the following meeting ID and passcode

Meeting ID: 894 8757 9730

Passcode: 173123

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